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Interview questions


Best interview questions for your hiring process

Webmaster Interview questions

Webmasters are true website wizards. They have a great understanding of how your website works, how to monitor its performance using specific tools, and finding ways to fix bugs or improve your site.

You should look for the following skills in your Webmaster:

  • Incredibly tech-savvy with a lot of technical know-how
  • Excellent attention to detail
  • Knowledge of coding, HTML, and preferably several programming languages
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Exceptional at (remotely) troubleshooting and diagnosing any technical issues

Interviewing a Webmaster

Are you searching for an excellent Webmaster? Then it will soon be time to get to know your candidates a little better in an interview. With our Webmaster interview questions, your interview can be prepared quickly and easily.

Please note:
The interview questions we mention in this article below are suggestions for the earlier stages of the interview process and for candidates with a relatively average work experience. They are therefore a little more general.

How to open the job interview

Interviews can be quite scary and intimidating for a candidate. That’s why at the beginning of the interview you should always focus on trying to help your Webmaster candidate settle in. The more at ease they are, the better the interview will go, and the more thorough your understanding of whether they are up to the role.

To do this you can ask some fun and interesting questions linked to the role, they should be open-ended and encourage conversation.

Best interview questions for your hiring process

See our Webmaster job description here

For the interview

A positive opener to start

What has been your journey so far?

Why did you choose to become a Webmaster?

What do you love the most about being a Webmaster?

Behavioral Questions

Can you walk me through your process of monitoring website performance?

Monitoring website performance is one of the main tasks of a Webmaster. This gives you insight into how they work and what their process looks like.

What kind of team structures and management styles do you thrive in?

Here you should get a good feeling of the work style of the candidate and how they will work within your current team.

What is the first thing you check if the website’s load speed is slow?

Site speed is not only crucial for a good user experience, but it’s also important for SEO. That’s why it’s an essential part of the Webmaster role and your candidate should have a clear answer to this question.

Soft Skills

Are you comfortable explaining your work in an easy-to-understand way to people across the business?

Communication skills and the ability to translate technical problems into plain language are important for the role, as they will have to often work with people from different (non-technical) departments. 

How much experience do you have with working in cross-functional teams and with stakeholders from different departments?

A Webmaster should be able to work with many different people, be organised, and be able to work on multiple projects at once.

How do you stay motivated and focussed during repetitive tasks?

The work of a Webmaster can include repetitive tasks, like adding many pieces of content to the blog in one go. It’s important to know they can stay motivated and focussed during these types of tasks.

How do you deal with stress?

If a website breaks down, the work of a Webmaster can be incredibly stressful. This question answers whether they can deal with such stress.

Hard Skills

What do you know about SEO and keyword research?

A Webmaster should have extensive knowledge about both of these subjects and be able to talk about projects, tools, etc.

Which Content Management System (CMS) do you have most experience using, and which do you prefer to use?

Your candidate should be able to give a list of CMS along with their pros and cons. This should give you a better understanding of their experience level. 

Which programming languages do you know, and what is your proficiency level?

The candidate ideally knows several programming languages, such as Python or JavaScript. This question gives you an idea of their experience in this area.

Operational / Situational Questions

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